To achieve market leadership in our core business build on innovative technology deliver quality products at competitive prices and maintain our history of pioneering
To achieve market leadership in our core business build on innovative technology deliver quality products at competitive prices and maintain our history of pioneering
The objective of johnson & phillips (Pakistan) Ltd is to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitability in the manufacturing, installation and sale of electrical equipment's
The story of electricity and the history of Johnson & phillips have been linked for almost one and a quarter century. Johnson & phillips started as a small company in London suburb, in 1875, for the manufacture and the sale of telegraph cable and the associated equipment’s. As the use of electricity increase, J&P expanded its activities to meet the need of this new industry, as early as 1905, J&P handled its first large switchboard contract, consisting of 6.6.KV remote control oil Circuit breaker. By 1918, they had a complete range of high tension oil circuit breakers and low tension. Switchboards. Some of the great supplied by J&P in 1918 is still in operation. Operating in Pakistan since 1948, the company was renamed Johnson & Phillips (PAKISTAN) Limited in 1958, and incorporated as a public limited Company, 1961.